Developed web and mobile applications using modern Java and JS frameworks.
- Created UI components for Viacom MTV & BET+ apps with React, React Context, Datapoint and Storybook, with unit and integration tests via Jest and Enzyme.
- Enhanced user experience for in-house Android application by designing movie detail and list pages, utilizing Jetpack and MVVM architecture, with offline caching through Room and a repository pattern.
- Leveraged Apache Sling to create AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) components that integrate content into web templates.
- Implemented data collection and usage tracking with Adobe Analytics to capture user data, which helps generate detailed analysis and prediction models.
- Orchestrated SPAs using React/Redux for clients, providing functionalities for adjusting email frequencies, updating preferences, and managing direct mail options, ensuring full responsiveness and AA accessibility compliance.
- Improved code quality by refactoring old code, converting CSS/SCSS into CSS-in-JS with Emotion and introducing new syntax like Hooks into existing codebase.